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In 1919 a young architect named Walter Gropius initiated one of the most modern art schools of the twentieth century in the city of Weimar…

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Architecture Subject Overview

Modernist architecture and design represented a utopian vision of how the built environment could be adapted to the needs to modern industrial society. Industrialization had…

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Expressionism was one of the foremost modernist movements to emerge in Europe in the early years of the twentieth-century. It had a profound effect on…

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Meyer, Hannes (1889–1954)

Hannes Meyer was a Swiss modernist architect, educator, and the second director of the Bauhaus from 1928 to 1930. He believed that architecture and planning…

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Sanabria, Tomás José (1922–2008)

Sanabria is a representative figure of the second generation of 20th-century Venezuelan architects. He studied in the United States of America after World War II…

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Sert, Josep Lluís (1902–1983)

The Catalan architect Josep Lluís Sert i López brought the modernist aesthetics of the Mediterranean to the Charles River, Massachusetts as Director of the Harvard…

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Fry, Edwin Maxwell (1899–1987)

Edwin Maxwell Fry, architect of modern British design and liberal social theory, brought insight to early 20th century Britain and to the global community. Fry’s…

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Duhart, Emilio (1917–2006)

The Chilean architect Emilio Duhart Harosteguy is one of the most recognised modern architects and urban planners in the country. He is especially notable for…

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Black Mountain College

Between 1933 and 1957, Black Mountain College served as an unlikely crucible of modernism. Despite its isolated location near Asheville, North Carolina, at various times…

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Circle is a book-length survey of international constructive art, first published in London in 1937. The joint editors and organizers of the parallel Exhibition of…

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Moholy-Nagy, László (1895–1946)

Born in Bácsborsód, Hungary, László Moholy-Nagy was one of the most influential teachers, designers, and theoreticians of twentieth-century Modernism. As a professor at the Bauhaus…

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Isokon (1931–1939)

Isokon was a British furniture and architectural design company founded in London in 1931. Led by architect Wells Coates and plywood manufacturer Jack Pritchard, Isokon…

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Klee, Paul (1879-1940)

Paul Klee was one of the most important and inventive figures in the development of Modernism in the visual arts. The Swiss-German artist's unusual oeuvre…

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Neue Sachlichkeit in Architecture

The term Neue Sachlichkeit was coined by Gustav Hartlaub with his exhibition: ‘Neue Sachlichkeit. Deutsche Malerei seit dem Expressionismus’ (New Objectivity. German Painting Since Expressionism)…

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Machine-Age Exposition (New York, 1927)

The Machine-AgeExposition took place from 16–28 May 1927 at 119 West 57th Street in Steinway Hall, a commercial space in Manhattan, New York. It exposed…

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Pritchard, John Craven (Jack) (1899–1992)

Jack Pritchard was a British furniture manufacturer and design patron who co-founded the Isokon design company in 1931. Under his leadership, Isokon developed mass-produced, standardized…

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Teatro da Experiência

Teatro da Experiência was a 275-seat theater housed in the Clube dos Artistas Modernos, a controversial club for ‘modern artists’ in São Paulo (Brazil) that…

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Van de Velde, Henry (1863–1957)

Architect and designer Henry van de Velde was born in Antwerp, Belgium, the sixth child in a middle-class family. The influence of Symbolism on his…

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Rietveld, Gerrit Thomas (1888-1964)

Gerrit Rietveld was a Dutch furniture designer and architect associated with the avant-garde movement known as De Stijl (The Style). Influenced by the abstract paintings…

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Brandt, Marianne (1893–1983)

Best remembered for her metal designs, Marianne Brandt created the small tea extract pot that set a record in 2007 for the highest sum ever…

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Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944)

Kandinsky’s commitment to abstraction in painting and theory has attracted the attention of artists and critics throughout the twentieth century. His major manifesto Über des…

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Art Deco

Art Deco was the predominant decorative style in Europe and the United States between the World Wars, before spreading internationally and reaching its climax in…

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Pick, Frank (1878–1941)

Frank Pick was a design patron and early champion of modernism in Britain. As the head of London Transport, he transformed the company into the…

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Coates, Wells Wintemute (1895–1958)

Wells Coates was a Canadian-born architect and industrial designer who became a pioneer of Modernism in Britain. As a founder of the Isokon design company,…

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Werfel, Franz (1890–1945)

Franz Viktor Werfel was a Jewish-born Austrian novelist, poet, and playwright best known for his works of historical fiction, including The Forty Days of Musa…