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Machine-Age Exposition (New York, 1927) By Guglielmo, Antoniette M.

DOI: 10.4324/9781135000356-REM854-1
Published: 09/05/2016
Retrieved: 27 July 2024, from


The Machine-Age Exposition took place from 16–28 May 1927 at 119 West 57th Street in Steinway Hall, a commercial space in Manhattan, New York. It exposed the American public to the machine-age aesthetic: a modernist style based upon a belief in technological progress. The style emphasized the qualities of mass production, streamlined design, functionality, dynamism, and force. Jane Heap (1883–1964) of the Little Review Gallery was the main organizer, bringing together engineers and artists to rally momentum for this strain of modernist art. The installation juxtaposed works of architecture, engineering, industrial arts, high-modernist painting, and sculpture in order to emphasize their “inter-relation and inter-influence,” as advertised on the exposition flyer. The Machine-Age Exposition highlighted a commonality among these disciplines in their exaltation of the beauty of machinery and celebration of innovation and progress. The exposition celebrated the machine-age aesthetic, as did other exhibitions, most notably Machine Art (1929) at the Museum of Modern Art.

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Guglielmo, Antoniette M.. Machine-Age Exposition (New York, 1927). Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, Taylor and Francis,

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