Search Results 1 - 25 of 683

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Visual Arts Subject Overview

Modernism in the visual arts is a complex term and currently the subject of much academic debate. However, this project demanded that we set boundaries…

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Roszak, Theodore (1907–1981)

Theodore Roszak was a visual artist of the machine age. Born in Poland but raised in Chicago, Roszak trained at the School of the Art…

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Regionalists, The

The visual artists known as the Regionalists rose to prominence in the United States during the 1930s. They advocated the use of realistic styles to…

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Cubism is an influential modernist art movement that emerged in Paris during the first decade of the twentieth century. The term was established by Parisian…

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Symbolism Overview

Symbolism is a late-nineteenth-century literary movement centred mostly around the work of poets such as Stéphane Mallarmé, Arthur Rimbaud, Paul Verlaine, Philippe Villiers de L’Isle-Adam,…

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Shankar, Uday (1900–1977)

A legendary dancer often credited as the father of Indian modern dance, Uday Shankar was a visual artist and an astute choreographer with a keen…

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Page, P. K. (1916–2010)

Patricia Kathleen Page described herself as a traveller, and invoked this status through both her poetry (under P. K. Page), and her visual art (under…

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Klee, Paul (1879-1940)

Paul Klee was one of the most important and inventive figures in the development of Modernism in the visual arts. The Swiss-German artist's unusual oeuvre…

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Švankmajer, Jan

Jan Švankmajer (1934–) is a Czech surrealist visual artist, primarily known for his film works. He studied puppetry and theatre at university and began his…

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Tamari, Vera (1945--)

Vera Tamari was born in 1945 in Jerusalem. Her parents, originally from the coastal city of Jaffa, exposed their children to visual art, music, and…

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Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig (1880–1938)

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner was one of the major visual artists of the avant-garde in Germany in the first half of the twentieth century and is…

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Der Blaue Reiter [The Blue Rider]

Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider) was an affiliated circle of artists of varying disciplines loosely organized by the visual artists Wassily Kandinsky and Franz…

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Scottish Modernism

Scotland participated in the European visual art modernism of the early 20th century, when painters such as J. D. Fergusson and the Scottish Colourists set…

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Darat al Funun [A Home for the Arts]

Founded in 1993 by husband and wife Khalid and Suha Shoman, Darat al Funun represents a pioneering initiative for the visual arts in Jordan’s private…

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Neo-Primitivism is a style-label employed by the Muscovite avant-garde in the early twentieth century to describe forms of visual art and poetry that were tendentiously…

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Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts

The Royal Society of Fine Arts, a private, non-profit, non-governmental organization with the goal of promoting the visual arts in Jordan and the region, established…

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Lau, Alan Chong (1948--)

Alan Chong Lau is an American poet and visual artist. Lau began his poetic career in the wake of the 1970s Asian-American movement, a surge…

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In 1914, Wyndham Lewis and Ezra Pound began the British avant-garde literary and visual arts movement known as Vorticism. In addition to Lewis and Pound,…

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Nada, Hamid (1924–1990)

Born in the popular neighbourhood of Khalifa in Cairo, Egypt, Hamid Nada is one of the leading figures of Egyptian modern art. He was one…

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Expressionism was one of the foremost modernist movements to emerge in Europe in the early years of the twentieth-century. It had a profound effect on…

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Zolotoe runo [The Golden Fleece] (1906–1909)

The successor to the World of Art, the Symbolist art-literary journal Zolotoeruno [The Golden Fleece] (1906–1909) was published in Moscow by Nikolai Riabushinsky (1877–1951), the…

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Music Subject Overview

Musical modernism is understood here in the broadest sense, including compositional practices from the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Of course, modernist practice is…

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Social Realism

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Surrealism Overview

Soupault’s publication of Manifeste du Surréalism in 1924. Rising in the wake of the First World War, Surrealism revolted against a world that had become…