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Visual Arts Subject Overview

Modernism in the visual arts is a complex term and currently the subject of much academic debate. However, this project demanded that we set boundaries…

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Modernism in the Middle East and Arab World

Exploring modernity and its intellectual trends in the Middle East is a very fitting endeavour, as ‘Middle East’ itself is a ‘modern’ term which has…

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Modernism in Latin America

In Latin American intellectual history, modernism is a term that can be usefully and accurately applied to at least two distinct intellectual movements: a clearly…

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Impressionism (Painting)

Impressionism is an artistic movement that flourished in France between 1860 and 1890. The term has been widely adopted around the world to describe artistic…

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Futurism emerged at the beginning of the twentieth century as a movement that explicitly conceptualized the process of literary and artistic experimentation as part of…

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Kaprow, Allan (1927–2006)

Allan Kaprow was an American artist whose oeuvre included painting, assemblage, and “environments.” He is best known as the originator of “happenings,” a term he…

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Documentaries involve self-conscious reflections on modern life. Early newsreels and actualities displayed film’s capacity to document events and everyday life as they happened, leading viewers…

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Williams, Fred (1927–1982)

Fred Williams was an Australian painter and printmaker who bridged the gulf between the country’s landscape painters and contemporary art. In the 1960s he turned…

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Hijikata Tatsumi (1928–1986)

Hijikata Tatsumi is considered to be the founder of butoh, though titles such as instigator or ringmaster may be more appropriate. Hijikata premiered his first…

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Schneemann, Carolee (1939–)

Carolee Schneemann is an American artist (born in Pennsylvania, United States) whose work interrogates vision as embodied experience. She has produced films made to be…

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Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso (1876–1944)

Filippo Tommaso Marinetti was founder and leader of Futurism, the first intellectual and artistic movement that explicitly defined the codes of avant-garde practice in the…

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Højholt, Per (1928–2004)

Per Højholt was one of the most productive and influential Danish writers of the 20th century. He made his debut in 1948 at the age…

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There were different directions and forms connnected to Dada but an important element within it was a position of critique of established art and society.…

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Yoshihara, Jiro

Jiro Yoshihara was the founder—with Shozo Shimamoto and a younger generation of students—of the Gutai Art Association (1954–72). He organized the association’s events, such as…

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Pater, Walter (1839–1894)

Walter Pater was a man of letters and art critic associated with the Art for Art’s Sake movement. Pater was a notably quiet Oxford don.…

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Halprin, Anna (Schuman) (1920--)

A dancer, choreographer, community leader, and educator, Anna Halprin helped to pioneer what she called “experimental dance” in the 1960s. After training with the modern…

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Di Tella Institute

The Di Tella Institute was created in 1958 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and during the following years grew as a conglomerate of centers for cutting-edge…

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Mansfield, Katherine (1888–1923)

Katherine Mansfield Beauchamp was born in Wellington, New Zealand on October 14, 1888. Yet this bare factual statement in no way indicates Mansfield’s importance to…

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Buddha Bandit Poets

In 1978, Asian American poets Garrett Hongo, Lawson Fusao Inada, and Alan Chong Lau published The Buddha Bandits Down Highway 99, a collaborative anthology of…

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Atsuko, Tanaka (1932–2005)

Born on the February 10, 1932 in Osaka, Japan, Atsuko Tanaka was a leading figure in Gutai, an avante-garde artists’ movement which counted more women…

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Akerman, Chantal (1950–2015)

Chantal Akerman was a Belgian filmmaker, artist, and film professor known for her austere, minimalistic style, her feminist themes, and her depictions of alienation, dislocation,…

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Assemblage is an artistic form that involves the transformation of non-art objects into two-dimensional or three-dimensional artistic compositions. Together with abstraction, it has been considered…