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Prior to World War II, Constructivism attracted little interest from British artists apart from the few involved with Circle in 1937. Circle consisted of a…

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Modernism in Europe

We are living in a very singular moment of history. It is a moment of crisis, in the literal sense of that word. In every…

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Expressionism was one of the foremost modernist movements to emerge in Europe in the early years of the twentieth-century. It had a profound effect on…

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Bunting, Basil (1900–1985)

Basil Cheesman Bunting was a British poet, closely associated with Northern England and with late modernist poetics. A close friend of Ezra Pound’s, Bunting worked…

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Sassoon, Siegfried (1886–1967)

Siegfried Sassoon was a poet, memoirist, novelist, and World War One soldier. His pre-war poetry, heavily influenced by Edward Marsh and the Georgian school of…

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Rolland, Romain (1866–1944)

Writer, professor, musicologist, biographer, essayist, novelist, playwright, great letter writer and diarist, mystic in search of a pacified world and of a heroic heart, Romain…

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Woodcock, George (1912–1995)

George Woodcock was a British-Canadian poet, political activist, biographer, travel writer, novelist, dramatist, translator, and literary critic. He was born in Winnipeg, but spent his…

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League of Nations (1919–1946)

The League of Nations (1919–1946) was an intergovernmental organisation formed after World War I to mediate disputes among its member nations through diplomacy and collective…

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Die Aktion

Die Aktion was a review of radical politics and culture published by Franz Pfemfert (1879–1954) in Berlin from 1911 to 1932. During the period of…

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Cope, (Robert Knox) Jack (1913–1991)

‘Jack’ Cope was a South African novelist, poet, editor, and short story writer. Born June 3, 1913 in Mooi River, Natal, South Africa, he spent…

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Zhou Zuoren (周作人) (1885–1967)

A writer and critic in the New Culture Movement (新文化运动), Zhou Zuoren was one of the most prominent literary figures in the early twentieth century…

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Huxley, Aldous (1894–1963)

Aldous Huxley is an English writer who is best known for his dystopian novel Brave New World (1932) and his disquisition on psychedelic substances, The…

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Jameson, Margaret Storm (1891–1986)

Storm Jameson was a novelist and critic born in Whitby, Yorkshire, and educated at the University of Leeds and King’s College London. Over her prolific…

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Russell, Bertrand Arthur William (1872–1970)

Bertrand Russell, FRS, OM, and third earl Russell, was a mathematician, philosopher, social critic, political activist, writer, and Nobel laureate in literature. Russell was born…

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Picasso, Pablo (1881-1973)

Born in Malaga, it was in Barcelona that Picasso first identified himself as a subversive Modernist with a critical, contestatory and transgressive praxis exposing the…

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Jancsó, Miklós (1921–2014)

Hungarian director Miklós Jancsó (September 27, 1921–January 31, 2014) emerged in the 1960s with a series of films professing both an unapologetic Marxist perspective and…

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Sorel, Georges (1847–1922)

Georges Sorel was a French social thinker and political theorist. An engineer of modest bourgeois extraction, he was a state employee for twenty-five years. He…

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Sinclair, May (1863–1946)

May Sinclair was a novelist, journalist and literary critic. She began writing relatively late in life to help support her family, and while most of…

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Tucholsky, Dr Kurt (1890–1935)

Kurt Tucholsky was an important and widely-read author, poet, satirist, and editor of small literary forms during the Weimar Republic. He was a prolific writer…

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Zweig, Stefan (1881–1942)

Stefan Zweig was a prominent Austrian-Jewish novelist, playwright and journalist throughout the 1920s and 1930s. Growing up in a Viennese upper-class environment of assimilated Jewry,…

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Barney, Natalie Clifford (1876–1972)

Natalie Barney was an expatriate American writer who lived in Paris. In her home at 20 rue Jacob, Barney established a salon that for over…

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Isherwood, Christopher (1904–1986)

Christopher Isherwood was a British American novelist, memoirist, and playwright best known for The Berlin Diaries, a fictionalized portrayal of his experiences with the urban…

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Bell, (Arthur) Clive Heward (1881–1964)

Clive Bell was an English art and cultural critic associated with the Bloomsbury Group. He is best known for the concept of “significant form,” which…

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Hulme, Thomas Ernest (1883–1917)

T. E. Hulme was an influential early 20th-century English poet and thinker. Credited by T. S. Eliot in 1924 as the “forerunner of a new…