Search Results 1 - 25 of 28

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Zweig, Stefan (1881–1942)

Stefan Zweig was a prominent Austrian-Jewish novelist, playwright and journalist throughout the 1920s and 1930s. Growing up in a Viennese upper-class environment of assimilated Jewry,…

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Heifetz-Tussman, Malka (1893–1987)

Malka Heifetz-Tussman was a twentieth-century American Yiddish poet. She was born in 1896 in the region of Volyn in Ukraine (then part of the Russian…

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Amichai, Yehuda (1924–2000)

Yehuda Amichai was born in Würzburg, Germany to an Orthodox Jewish family, and was raised speaking both Hebrew and German. His family migrated to Israel…

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Lassaw, Ibram (1913–2003)

A sculptor of the New York School, Ibram Lassaw was born to Russian parents in Alexandria, Egypt. The family immigrated to Brooklyn, NY, in 1921,…

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Anti-Semitism including the Holocaust

Anti-Semitism, a term coined in Europe at the end of the 19th century, is the hatred of Jews and Jewishness, the latter being perceived in…

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Shelem Yankev Abramovitsh 1835–1917

Above, Shelem Yankev Abramovitsh (1835–1917), commonly known by his literary persona Mendele Moykher-Sforim (Mendele the Book Peddler), is considered to be the founding father of…

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Zionism is the umbrella term used to describe the various strains of Jewish nationalism that grew out of other 19th-century nationalist ideologies and movements. Zionist…

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Brod, Max (1884–1968)

Max Brod was one of the most influential figures of the modernist literary scene in Prague, as well as its most important chronicler and promoter.…

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Jewish art music

Modern Jewish art music concerns the study of Jewish musical markers and extra-musical Jewish topoi in twentieth-century music penned by both Jews and non-Jews. Transcending…

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Peretz, Yitskhok Leybush (1835–1917)

Yitskhok Leybush Peretz, or I. L. Peretz (1835–1917), was a Yiddish and Hebrew writer, known for introducing modernist trends into Yiddish literature. Born in the…

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Werfel, Franz (1890–1945) [REVISED AND EXPANDED]

Franz Viktor Werfel was a Jewish-born Austrian novelist, poet, playwright, essayist, and translator best known in the Anglophone world for his works of historical fiction,…

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Emmanuel Lévinas (1906–1995)

Emmanuel Lévinas was a French philosopher of Jewish–Lithuanian origins who drew strongly on German phenomenology in his investigations of intentionality, subjectivity, and ethics. An officer…

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Cohen, Hermann (1842–1918)

Hermann Cohen was a respected Jewish-German philosopher, who had a profound influence on various currents within the philosophical discourse of modernity. These currents included the…

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Scholem, Gershom (1897–1982)

Gershom Scholem was born in Berlin to Arthur and Betty Hirsch Scholem. Though raised in an assimilated Jewish and German nationalist household, Gerhard Scholem grew…

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Rozanov, Vasily (1856–1919)

Leading writer, publicist, literary critic, and philosopher in late 19th- and early 20th-century Russia, Rozanov was born in Vetluga, Russia, in 1856, and remained in…

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Berdyczewski, Micha Yosef (1865–1921)

Micha Yosef Berdyczewski was a Ukrainian-born writer, journalist and Hebrew scholar who is best known for his modernist writings on the Jewish faith. The son…

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The term ‘Internationalism’ (internationalisme; Internationalismus) was coined in the mid-nineteenth century to denote those movements that called for involvement in events beyond national and imperial…

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Ginsberg, Asher Zvi Hirsh (1856–1927)

Ahad Ha’am was born Asher Zvi Hirsh Ginsberg in 1856 in Skvira, Ukraine, to an affluent family that was religiously affiliated with the Hasidic movement,…

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Roth, Joseph (1894–1939)

Joseph Roth was an Austrian-Jewish journalist and novelist. He was born in the shtetl of Brody, near Lemberg (Lviv, Lvov) in Galicia, in the easternmost…

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Bialik, Hayim Nahman (H. N.) (1873–1934)

Hayim Nahman Bialik was one of the most influential and widely-read Hebrew poets of the twentieth century. He revitalized modern Hebrew poetry with his romantic…

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Waddington, Miriam (née Dworkin) (1917–2004)

Canadian poet Miriam Waddington was born in Winnipeg’s Jewish North End neighbourhood in Manitoba, Canada on 23 December 1917. Waddington was honoured with several awards…

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Werfel, Franz (1890–1945)

Franz Viktor Werfel was a Jewish-born Austrian novelist, poet, and playwright best known for his works of historical fiction, including The Forty Days of Musa…

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A novel by James Joyce, written between 1914 and 1922, serialized from 1918–1920, and published in book form (to much controversy) in 1922. With T.…

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Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844–1900)

Friedrich Nietzsche, the son of a Lutheran minister, was a German philologist, philosopher, and iconoclast. He is best known for his controversial but powerful reevaluation…

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Kaléko, Mascha (1907–1975)

Mascha Kaléko was a transnational Jewish German-language poet and one of the few female representatives of the New Objectivity (Neue Sachlichkeit). Her early works include…