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PERSAGI (Persatuan Ahli-Ahli Gambar Indonesia)

PERSAGI is the acronym for Persatuan Ahli-Ahli Gambar Indonesia (Union of Indonesian Painters, or to be more precise, Union of Indonesian Drawers). Founded by S.…

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Adam, Hoerijah (1936–1971)

Born nine years before Indonesia’s independence, Hoerijah Adam epitomized the transitional figure of the Indonesian postcolonial dancer. Despite her short life, Adam changed the course…

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Djaya, Agus (1913–1994)

Agus Djaya was an Indonesian artist who rejected academic formalism in favor of a more expressive mode of painting, achieved by the flattening of space…

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Enas, Hoessein (1924–1995)

Mohd Hoessein Enas was born in Bogor, Indonesia, migrated to Singapore in 1945, and became a citizen of the Federation of Malaya in 1956. Largely…

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Sadali, Ahmad (1924–1987)

Ahmad Sadali was an iconic figure of the Bandung School and remains a key influence as a pioneer in modern abstract painting in Indonesia. Sadali,…

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Gerakan Seni Rupa Baru

Gerakan Seni Rupa Baru (GSRB—New Art Movement) was an art movement that emerged in Indonesia in the mid-1970s. GSRB was established during a period when…

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Affandi (1907–1990)

Affandi was an Indonesian modernist artist best known for his expressive paintings depicting scenes of everyday life and his own emotional states, as well as…

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Gunawan, Hendra (1918–1983)

Known in Indonesia as the peoples’ painter, Hendra Gunawan was born in Bandung. Family circumstances were strained with a father who gambled and his parents…

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Soedarsono, Srihadi (1931–)

Srihadi Soedarsono is a celebrated painter and prominent figure in the development of Indonesian art, well known for his series of dancing girls and themed…

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Cephas, Kassian (1845–1912)

Cephas was the first indigenous Indonesian photographer who, after training with a European mentor around 1870, was appointed as official photographer to the royal house…

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Bandung School

The Bandung School refers to one of the streams of modern art in post-revolutionary Indonesia. It is associated primarily with the art school in what…

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Kartodikromo, Mas Marco (1890–1932)

Mas Marco Kartodikromo (Cepu, Java, 1890 – Boven Digul, Indonesia, 1932) was a prominent writer and activist in the early days of the nationalist movement…

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Sudjojono, Sindudarsono (1913–1986)

Sindudarsono Sudjojono was seminal in developing a discourse of modernity in early 20th-century Indonesia. Though a painter, he was most influential as a critic and…

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Widayat, Haji (1919–2002)

A prolific and influential Javanese artist, Haji Widayat is recognized for his “dekora-magis” (magical-decorative) contribution to Indonesian art. Throughout his five-decade artistic career he experimented…

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Musical Modernism in Bali and Java

Musical modernism was not domesticated within Balinese or Javanese culture to the extent that it was in other parts of Asia. Although a handful of…

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Natalsya, Amrus (1933--)

Amrus Natalsya was born 21 October 1933, in Medan, Sumatra. Having also trained as a painter, Natalsya is known primarily as a pioneering figure of…

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Angkatan Pelukis Se-Malaysia

Angkatan Pelukis Se-Malaysia [APS—All Malaysian Painters’ Front] is recognized as one of the first Malay art collectives in Malaysia. It functions as both a social…

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Abdullah, Basuki (1915–1993)

Basuki Abdullah was the son of the painter and illustrator Abdullah Suriosubroto (Mas Abdullah), who taught him and a number of other artists their basic…

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Latiff, Jaafar (1937--)

Jaafar Latiff, born in Singapore, established his reputation as an abstract artist in the 1960s. He was self-taught; however, his talent saw him easily find…

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Cheong, Soo Pieng (1917–1983)

Cheong Soo Pieng was a Chinese-born artist who became well known for his contributions to Singapore’s modern art. In Nanyang, Cheong’s Chinese art training was…

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Yu Dafu

Best regarded as a member of the vanguard of the ‘New Literature’ movement closely related to the nationalist ‘May Fourth Incident’ in 1919, Yu Dafu…

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Ivens, Joris (1898–1989)

Joris Ivens (Georg Henri Anton Ivens), nicknamed “The Flying Dutchman” for his globe-trotting career, was a Dutch documentary maker. His political commitment and deft use…

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Tantisuk, Sawasdi (1925--)

Born in Thonburi, Thailand, Sawasdi Tantisuk is a contemporary of Tawee Nandakwang; both artists were trained at Silpakorn University and the Academy of Fine Arts…

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Van der Post, Laurens (1906-1996)

Laurens van der Post was born on December 13, 1906 in the village of Phillipolis, in what was then the Orange River Colony. He was…

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Burmese Modernism

Modernistic painting in Burma first assertively appeared in the 1940s and with greater force in the 1950s, emerging as a full-fledged movement in the 1960s.…