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Modernism in the Middle East and Arab World

Exploring modernity and its intellectual trends in the Middle East is a very fitting endeavour, as ‘Middle East’ itself is a ‘modern’ term which has…

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Zeid, Fahrelnissa (1901–1991)

Fahrelnissa Zeid was a prominent and influential figure in Turkish modern art. An accomplished early modernist Turkish painter, she was as influential for modern Jordanian…

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Berk, Nurullah (1906–1982)

An artist and writer from the Republic of Turkey, Nurullah Berk worked to promote the expression of Turkish aesthetic ideals as one of the founders…

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Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal (1881–1938)

A military officer in the Ottoman army, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was the leader of the Turkish national resistance movement and the founder and first president…

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Rifaat, Alifa (1930–1996)

Fatimah Abdullah Rifaat, born in Cairo on 5 June 1930, belonged to an Egyptian family of Turkish origin. She began to write in her youth,…

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Zeybek, The

The zeybek is a genre of Turkish folk dance that is closely associated with the Aegean region on the west coast of Anatolian Turkey, although…

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Rasim, Mihri (1885–1954)

Mihri Rasim was an Ottoman-Turkish portrait painter and educator. Born in 1885 in Istanbul under the Ottoman Empire, she came from the Ottoman imperial elite.…

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Hikmet, Nâzım (1902–1963)

Nâzım Hikmet (Ran) (b.January 15, 1902, Thessaloniki–d.June 3, 1963, Moscow) was a Turkish poet, playwright, novelist, and screenwriter who spent nearly fifteen years of his…

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The Group of Ten (Onlar)

The Group of Ten (Onlar) was formed by ten students under the tutelage of prominent artist, critic, and poet Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu while at the…

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Modernist Music in Turkey (1923--)

Modernist music in Turkey owes its foundations to the late bourgeoisie revolution in 1923. The young republic, motivated by the building of a modern nation-state,…

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The Newcomers Group

The Newcomers Group [YenilerGrubu] was formed in 1940 while its members were still students at the Istanbul Academy of Fine Arts under Leopold Levy (1840–1904),…

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D Group

The D Group was a loose association of painters and sculptors who exhibited regularly together between 1933 and 1947. The group took its name from…

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Al-Manfalouti, Mustafa Lutfi (1876–1924)

Mustafa Lutfi al-Manfalouti (1876–1924) is one of Egypt’s greatest modern prose writers and poets. He was born in the Upper Egyptian city of Manfalout to…

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Ottoman Painter’s Society

Established in 1909, the Society of Ottoman Artists (Osmanlı Ressamlar Cemiyeti) was the first professional organization of artists in the Ottoman Empire. Initiated by the…

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Aharonián, Coriún (1940--)

Coriún Aharonián was born in Montevideo, Uruguay on August 4, 1940. His parents, Nubar Aharonián and Victoria Kharputlián, arrived in Uruguay in 1927 and 1928,…

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The 1914 Generation Artists

The artists historiographically grouped as the 1914 Generation transformed the Westernizing artistic impulse of the late Ottoman era into the modernizing impulse of the Republic…

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Painting and Sculpture Museum

The Republic of Turkey houses its public collection of arts in the Western modality at three museums of painting and sculpture: the Istanbul Museum of…

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Brink, André (1935--2015)

André Philippus Brink is one of South Africa’s most esteemed writers. Initially writing only in Afrikaans, he was one of the leading figures of the…

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Young Turk Revolution

The Young Turk Revolution refers to the events that occurred in 1908 under the initiative of the Committee of Union and Progress (İttihad ve Terakki…

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Roditi, Edouard (1910-1992)

In his unpublished autobiography, Edouard Roditi describes his life in terms of a triple curse of being Jewish, epileptic, and homosexual. Perhaps a fourth quality…

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Al-Tahtawi, Rifa’a (1801–1873)

Rifa’a Rafi’ al-Tahtawi was an Egyptian reformer and thinker who is widely recognised as the pioneer of the Egyptian ‘Awakening’ (nahda) in the 19th century.…

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Galatasaray Exhibitions

Held in Istanbul between 1916 and 1951, the Galatasaray Exhibitions were the first annual exhibitions of art established in the Ottoman Empire, remaining an important…

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Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso (1876–1944)

Filippo Tommaso Marinetti was founder and leader of Futurism, the first intellectual and artistic movement that explicitly defined the codes of avant-garde practice in the…

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A novel by James Joyce, written between 1914 and 1922, serialized from 1918–1920, and published in book form (to much controversy) in 1922. With T.…