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Search Results 1 - 10 of 10

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Modernism in Austria-Hungary

Modernism in Austria-Hungary developed in the imperial capital Vienna and other major cities such as Prague, Budapest, and Trieste. In the coffees houses of these…

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Loos, Adolf (1870–1933)

Born in Brno, Moravia, Austria-Hungary, now Czech Republic, Adolf Loos was a critic, architect and designer famous for his vehement rejection of ornament. Educated in…

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Engelmann, Paul (1891–1965)

Born in Olmütz (then Austria-Hungary) to a middle-class Jewish family, Paul Engelmann is noteworthy both as a student of Adolf Loos and as a close…

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Young Turk Revolution

The Young Turk Revolution refers to the events that occurred in 1908 under the initiative of the Committee of Union and Progress (İttihad ve Terakki…

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Boxer Rebellion (1899–1901)

The Boxer Rebellion (November 1899–September 1901) was a Chinese national uprising against what was seen as the corrupting influence of western ideologies and practices. Initiated…

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Treaty of Versailles

The Treaty of Versailles was one of the peace treaties signed on June 28, 1919, in the Palace of Versailles, by Germany and the Allied…

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Rilke, Rainer Maria (1875–1926)

Rilke was a preeminent German-speaking poet of the beginning of the twentieth century. His early poetical works were still conventional and bathed in neoromantic sentimentality.…

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Nijinsky, Vaslav (1889–1950)

Vaslav Nijinsky was a Russian dancer and choreographer of Polish descent. He achieved international renown as the star of Serge Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes Company between…

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Conrad, Joseph (1857–1924)

Joseph Conrad was one of the foremost British novelists of the modernist period. Many of the narrative innovations he developed appeared a decade or more…