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Modernism in Austria-Hungary By Pappalardo, Salvatore

DOI: 10.4324/9780415249126-REM2134-1
Published: 1/10/2021
Retrieved: 27 July 2024, from


Modernism in Austria-Hungary developed in the imperial capital Vienna and other major cities such as Prague, Budapest, and Trieste. In the coffees houses of these polyglot and multicultural centres of intellectual exchange, modernists discussed new approaches and experimented with original ideas. This cultural ferment led to a burst of creativity in urban planning, the visual arts, interior design, literature, music, architecture, and psychoanalysis. Many of the groundbreaking ideas that developed in these cities reached beyond cultural boundaries, making modernism in Austria-Hungary a transnational phenomenon. Although Austria-Hungary ceased to exist after the First World War, its authors and intellectuals continued their work in the successor states, often reflecting on the legacy of the defunct empire.

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Pappalardo, Salvatore. Modernism in Austria-Hungary. Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, Taylor and Francis,

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