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West, Rebecca (1892–1983)

Rebecca West was a novelist, journalist, essayist, and travel writer, and a central figure in twentieth-century literary and political culture. Her The Return of the…

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Arlt, Roberto (1900-1942)

Roberto Arlt was an Argentine novelist, playwright, journalist, travel writer, and short-story writer. Recognized in recent decades as a foundational figure of modern literature in…

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Woodcock, George (1912–1995)

George Woodcock was a British-Canadian poet, political activist, biographer, travel writer, novelist, dramatist, translator, and literary critic. He was born in Winnipeg, but spent his…

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de Morais Andrade, Mário Raul (1893–1945)

Often called the pope of Brazilian Modernism, Mário de Andrade spearheaded several different phases of the movement, and is credited with introducing the term modernismo…

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Synge, John Millington (1871–1909)

J. M. Synge (pronounced “Sing”) is best known for his plays, first staged at Dublin’s Abbey Theatre, that vividly depicted rural life in Ireland. His…

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James, Henry (1843–1916)

One of the major literary figures of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, Henry James was one of the foremost English-language practitioners of literary…

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Sackville-West, Vita (1892–1962)

Vita Sackville-West was a poet, prose writer, and gardener. Much of her work was significantly informed by her close identification with the English landscape, in…

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Huxley, Aldous (1894–1963)

Aldous Huxley is an English writer who is best known for his dystopian novel Brave New World (1932) and his disquisition on psychedelic substances, The…

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Hope, Christopher (David) Tully (1944–)

Born in Johannesburg, South Africa in 1944, the late modernist author Christopher Tully Hope is still alive, and still publishing, though has spent much of…

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Anderson, Patrick (1915–79)

Canadian poet and editor Patrick Anderson was born on August 4, 1915 in Surrey, England. Though he was English by birth, and would later return…

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Dos Passos, John (1896–1970)

John Dos Passos was an American writer best known for his ‘contemporary chronicles’ of American life. His early novels, including Manhattan Transfer (1925) and the…

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Hamilton, Cicely (1872–1952)

Cicely Hamilton, lesbian actor, author, and women’s suffrage activist, is best known for her plays Diana of Dobson’s (1908), exposing exploitation in the retail trade,…

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Lovecraft, H. P. (1890–1937)

H. P. Lovecraft was an American pulp author in the 1920s and 1930s. His work, primarily published in the magazine Weird Tales, helped create the…

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Bharati, Dharamvir (1926–1997)

Dharamvir Bharati was one of the most versatile literary figures of modern Hindi Literature in independent India. Born on 25 December, 1926 in a Kayastha…

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Ford, Ford Madox (1873-1939)

Ford Madox Ford was a British author of German ancestry (he was born Ford Hermann Hueffer), a novelist, poet, editor, critic, biographer, and memoirist. Under…

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George Lamming (1927– )

George Lamming’s fiction, poetry, criticism, and journalism have been foundational for 20th-century Caribbean and African diasporic identities. To date, he is the author of six…

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Woolf, (Adeline) Virginia (1882–1941)

Virginia Woolf was one of the foremost literary innovators of the early twentieth century. A novelist, essayist, short-story writer and literary critic, she was also…

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Primitivism in modern art designates a range of practices and accompanying modes of thought that span the period from the mid-nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century…