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Search Results 1 - 8 of 8

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Svevo, Italo (1861–1928)

Italo Svevo was born as Aron Ettore Schmitz in 1861 in Trieste, a city in the north-east of Italy that until 1919 was part of…

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Modernism in Austria-Hungary

Modernism in Austria-Hungary developed in the imperial capital Vienna and other major cities such as Prague, Budapest, and Trieste. In the coffees houses of these…

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Malipiero, Gian-Francesco (1882–1973)

Gian-Francesco Malipiero was an Italian composer whose life spanned an expansive period of Italian history, from the post-Risorgimento years through two disastrous wars and into…

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Bloomsday, June 16th, is an annual global literary holiday honoring the characters of James Joyce’s Ulysses; the celebrations are marked by readings, re-enactments, pub-crawls, and…

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Arlt, Roberto (1900-1942)

Roberto Arlt was an Argentine novelist, playwright, journalist, travel writer, and short-story writer. Recognized in recent decades as a foundational figure of modern literature in…

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Joyce, James (1882–1941)

James Joyce (1882–1941) was an Irish modernist author famous for his experimentalism and for writing about Dublin. All of his major works – from the…

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Schiele, Egon (1890–1918)

Egon Schiele is one of the most original artists of the early 20th century and a major figure associated with the stylistic movement, Expressionism. He…

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Pound, Ezra (1885–1972)

Ezra Weston Loomis Pound (1885– 1972) was an American poet, essayist, and literary critic. In addition to his own literary accomplishments, he famously promoted the…