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Paz, Juan Carlos (1897–1972) By Nigro-Giunta, Violeta

DOI: 10.4324/9781135000356-REM591-1
Published: 09/05/2016
Retrieved: 27 July 2024, from


Juan Carlos Paz (1897–1972) was an Argentine composer, critic, writer, and self-described “compositional guide” who played a key role in twentieth-century Argentine contemporary music. Known for his rebellious attitude towards traditional institutions and academia, and as an advocate of avant-garde music throughout his life, Paz was a pioneer in the use of the twelve-tone technique in Latin America. Paz founded such groups as Grupo Renovación [Renovation Group] and Asociación Nueva Música [New Music Association], both devoted to promoting and performing new music. Paz wrote music for solo instruments, chamber music, orchestra, and theatre, as well as film scores. He published three important books dedicated to new music and three volumes containing his memoirs, and collaborated intensively with the press and magazines (Crítica, Reconquista, Acción de Arte, La Protesta, La Campana de Palo, Argentina Libre, among others).

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Nigro-Giunta, Violeta. Paz, Juan Carlos (1897–1972). Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, Taylor and Francis,

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