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Kröpfl, Francisco (1931--) By Novoa, Laura

DOI: 10.4324/9781135000356-REM575-1
Published: 09/05/2016
Retrieved: 27 July 2024, from


Francisco Kröpfl is an Argentinean composer and researcher. His work as a pedagogue through the development of several generations of Latin American composers is widely recognized, alongside his intense activity in the diffusion of twentieth-century music through the Agrupación Nueva Música (New Music Group), founded by Juan Carlos Paz, of whom Kröpfl was a follower. Specializing in electroacoustic music, Kröpfl has been a pioneer in composition with electronic media. In 1958, he founded the Estudio de Fonología Musical (EFM) at the University of Buenos Aires, the first laboratory of its kind in Latin America. He subscribes to integral serialism (the employment of series for aspects other than pitch, such as duration), an orientation that he has applied in an original and personal manner in his works. Kröpfl has explored the expressive potential of the human voice both in his works for voice and as an instrumental accompaniment. In this vein, Orillas (1988) became a paradigmatic work, earning him the 1988 Magistère Prize in Bourges, France. He was president of the Argentine Federation of Electroacoustic Music and judged international competitions of electroacoustic music.

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Novoa, Laura. Kröpfl, Francisco (1931--). Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, Taylor and Francis,

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