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Truitt, Anne (1921–2004) By de Baca, Miguel

DOI: 10.4324/9781135000356-REM524-1
Published: 09/05/2016
Retrieved: 27 July 2024, from


Anne Truitt is an American artist most closely identified with Minimalism. Truitt’s art consists of wooden boxes, planks, and columnar works industrially fabricated and painted by hand, which were among the first examples of Minimal art. Because of the evocative colors and literary titles of her works, she is often distinguished from her contemporaries, who argued against expressivity in art.

Truitt’s principal critical ally was Clement Greenberg. Despite viewing other minimalists’ works with contempt, Greenberg admired Truitt’s formal references to painters Ad Reinhardt and Barnett Newman, and understood her sculptures as three-dimensional articulations of a two-dimensional painted surface. Elsewhere, the language Greenberg used in defence of Truitt made her gender a conspicuous issue, contributing to the feminizing of her practice in ensuing discourse. Truitt had a remarkably long, productive, and diverse studio practice, producing sculpture, drawings, and paintings until her death in 2004.

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de Baca, Miguel. Truitt, Anne (1921–2004). Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, Taylor and Francis,

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