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Solsona, Justo José (1931--) By Plotquin, Silvio

DOI: 10.4324/9781135000356-REM244-1
Published: 09/05/2016
Retrieved: 27 July 2024, from


Justo Solsona is an Argentinian architect, the onset of whose activity corresponds to the process of political reorganization which followed the collapse of the government of Juan Domingo Perón (1955). During this period the political agenda aimed to use architecture and design in a bid to encourage eloquent modernization, metropolitan culture, and upgraded technology. As a result, a dozen works placed Solsona at the heart of architectural production in Argentina.

The proposed 300-house complex in La Boca, south of the city of Buenos Aires, winner of the competition sponsored by the National Mortgage Bank (1957), and designed in partnership with the architects Ernesto Katzenstein, Gianni Peani, and Josefa Santos, was a high-density original and fresh answer in reinforced concrete to cultural and traditional ways of living.

The winner of the second prize in the competition for the design of the National Library (1961), Solsona proposed a sculptural metal roof comprising metabolist abstract shapes that created innovative relationships between the main reading rooms and the lawns of an existing state garden where the new library was to be located. In fact, it was his entry to this competition in collaboration with Flora Manteola, Javier Sánchez Gómez, and Josefa Santos (and later, Carlos Sallaberry) that led to the establishment of the architectural studio MSGSSS, where he remained throughout his subsequent career.

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Plotquin, Silvio. Solsona, Justo José (1931--). Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, Taylor and Francis,

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