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Salmon, André (1881–1969) By Guédon, Cécile

DOI: 10.4324/9781135000356-REM2014-1
Published: 15/10/2018
Retrieved: 27 July 2024, from


French poet and art critic. Associated with Guillaume Apollinaire and Max Jacob, he also developed a long-lasting friendship with Pablo Picasso. His first literary endeavour was inspired by pictorial Cubism, and promoted a new lyricism: Créances (1905–10) mixes fragments of Symbolist aesthetics with Modernist features, such as the insertion of non-literary materials within the text. Carreaux (1918–21) shows more clearly a Cubist-inflected ars poetica as it puts together collage-like fragments, making a liberal use of juxtaposition techniques and multiple voices while coupling free verse with alexandrine metre. He is also well-known for his art criticism in support of the ‘Bateau-Lavoir’ generation of artists—in particular, through the journal Le Festin d’Esope and with his pamphlets La Jeune peinture française (1912), La Jeune sculpture française (1918), and L’art vivant (1921).

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Guédon, Cécile. Salmon, André (1881–1969). Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, Taylor and Francis,

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