Search Results 1 - 25 of 47

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Garner, Hugh (1913–1979)

Hugh Garner was a British-Canadian writer, journalist, and editor. His fictional writings reflect on the experiences of marginalized individuals, echoing his own early experiences of…

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Green, Henry (1905–1973)

Henry Green was the pen name of Henry Yorke, a well-regarded novelist working in the mid-twentieth century. Living in London, Yorke worked much of his…

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Anderson, Sherwood

Sherwood Anderson was an American short-story writer, novelist, and memoirist. He was a businessman turned author whose writing often rendered the lives of ordinary people…

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Drachmann, Holger Henrik Herholdt (1846–1908)

Holger Drachmann was a Danish writer and painter, active in the period of the Modern Breakthrough in Scandinavia (1870s–1890s). He was influenced by Georg Brandes…

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Flaubert, Gustave (1821–1880)

A primary innovator of the modern novel, French writer Gustave Flaubert was one of the most influential literary artists of the nineteenth century. Primarily associated…

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Marriott, Anne (1913–1997)

Joyce Anne Marriott was a Canadian modernist poet. Born and raised in Victoria, British Columbia, Marriott published seven collections of poetry and hundreds of poems…

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Taller de Arte Mural (1945–1946)

The Taller de Arte Mural (Mural Art Workshop) was founded in 1945 by a group of leading Argentine-based artists with a common vision of promoting…

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Artists’ Front of Thailand, The

The Artists’ Front of Thailand (AFT) formed in 1974, immediately following the violent political events of October 1973. The group came together for the purpose…

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Odets, Clifford (1906–1963)

One of the foremost American playwrights of the first half of the twentieth century, Clifford Odets is best known for his social realist plays and…

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Agitprop Theatre

Now widely used as a catchall term to describe politically combative or oppositional art, “agitprop” originated from the early Soviet conjunction of propaganda (raising awareness…

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Politics and Cinema

The relationship between politics and the cinema is probably one of the most vexatious questions to have occupied the academic discipline of film studies, and…

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Blixen, Karen (1885–1962)

Karen Blixen was a singular figure in 20th century Danish literary life. In the 1930s, when Blixen started writing, Danish literature was dominated by social…

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Urteaga, Mario Alvarado (1875–1957)

The self-taught painter Mario Alvarado Urteaga’s oeuvre includes 197 known drawings and paintings. Urteaga’s works often have a contemplative and dignified format that the Museum…

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Kubo, Sakae (1900–1958)

Kubo Sakae was a leading shingeki playwright prior to World War II, and a shingeki socialist hero afterward. His greatest dramatic work is the epic…

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Modern Breakthrough

The Modern Breakthrough is a category of literary history first used in 1883 by the Danish critic Georg Brandes. Brandes used it to group together…

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Shabtai, Yaakov (1934–1981)

An Israeli Hebrew author, playwright, lyricist, and translator, Yaakov Shabtai was born in Tel Aviv in 1934 (Wikipectia …). Shabtai began translating plays and writing…

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Nabaa, Nazir (1938--)

Nazir Nabaa, a respected Syrian painter, made his greatest contributions to Arab modern art in the 1960s and 1970s, when he contributed to the graphic…

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Vigo, Jean (1905–1934)

Jean Vigo was an anarchist and social realist French filmmaker responsible for four short yet influential works. Famously honored as “the cinema incarnate” by Henri…

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Isrowuthakul, Santi (1945--)

Santi Isrowuthakul is an artist and activist who participated in the Artists’ Front of Thailand (AFT) (1974–1976). Born in Bangkok, Santi graduated with a master’s…

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Cambodian Modernism

Cambodian modernity was chiefly shaped by the forces of colonization, decolonization, and the Cold War. These influences had singular consequences for art and culture in…

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Performance Art in China

Performance art events began in China in the 1980s following Deng Xioping’s post-Mao economic reforms in 1979, which exposed Chinese socialist society to foreign investments…

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Leonov, Leonid Maksimovich (1899–1994)

Loenid Maksimovich Leonov was a Russian prose writer and playwright. Born in Moscow, Leonov volunteered as a soldier and journalist in the Red Army during…

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Lawrence, Jacob (1917–2000)

Jacob Lawrence was an artist and educator, as well as the first African American artist of the 20th century to achieve critical acclaim and sustained…

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Kinoshita, Junji (1914–2006)

Kinoshita Junji was one of Japan’s foremost modern playwrights. His work consists of several plays based on Japanese folk tales and history, and often interrogates…

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Ananthamurthy, U. R. (1932–2014)

Udupi Rajagopalacharya Ananthamurthy is a major figure of the modernist literary movement in Kannada, a professor of English, a literary critic, and a leading public…