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Wong, Wucius (王無邪) (1936–) By Ma, Karen

DOI: 10.4324/0123456789-REM1909-1
Published: 26/04/2018
Retrieved: 27 July 2024, from


Wucius Wong (b.1936) is a Hong Kong artist famous for his integration of grids into Chinese landscape painting. Born in China, Wong moved to Hong Kong at the age of five, and was exposed to Western culture while learning English. He is a member of the second generation of twentieth-century Chinese modernist artists, and was a prominent member of the Hong Kong New Ink Painting Artists in the 1960s. Wong was influenced by the monumental landscape paintings of the Northern Song dynasty of China (960–1127), and the systematic application of geometric forms found in Bauhaus design. He uses the textured stroke of Chinese ink paintings to draw landscapes, and presents them in fragments within a grid structure. The grid is presented either as the frame structure of the painting, the outlines of rocks, or the gaps between mountain ranges. Most recently, Wong has put great effort into exploring new techniques through the use of brush and ink. His artistic career spans five decades. He is also a design and fine art educator, having written many books on related topics.

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Ma, Karen. Wong, Wucius (王無邪) (1936–). Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, Taylor and Francis,

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