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Tshelantende By Langenohl, Kathrin

DOI: 10.4324/0123456789-REM1908-1
Published: 26/04/2018
Retrieved: 27 July 2024, from


Tshelantende was an artist, tailor, and hunter born before the turn of the twentieth century in Luluaburg, today’s Kananga, and lived until 1950s in Ibanshe in the Kasai region of the Belgian Congo colony. As an artist, Tshelantende was known for his mural paintings depicting scenes of day-to-day colonial life which later on served as references for his oeuvre of watercolour paintings. As an amateur and autodidact in the field of art, Tshelantende was free to choose his subjects and to develop his individual style of visual representation, combining local traditions with appropriations of European imagery in a realistic manner. Visualization served as means to objectify and hence distance oneself from the ongoing process of transformation and at the same time bring attention to certain topics.

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Langenohl, Kathrin. Tshelantende. Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, Taylor and Francis,

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