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The Lindsay Family (1870–1958) By Peers, Juliette

DOI: 10.4324/9781135000356-REM1589-1
Published: 02/05/2017
Retrieved: 27 July 2024, from


The Lindsays were a multigenerational family of artists, designers, curators, and authors in Australia. The originating generation, who made the most quantifiable contribution to modern Australian art, was made up of five brothers and one sister (three other sisters and a brother did not work professionally as artists), born and raised in Creswick, Victoria. Four of the siblings trained at the National Gallery School in Melbourne and although most of the family traveled overseas to paint and exhibit, with the exception of Norman’s sons Jack and Phillip who stayed in Britain, their art and reputations were confined to Australia. Of the second generation, which included a number of artists and writers, a novelist, an art historian, and a cultural commentator, Jack Lindsay had the most impact. Like the Boyd family, there was an element of unquestioned and shared talent among the siblings and their descendants. However, the family’s singularity was assiduously hyperbolized in the public eye by its members’ charismatic public performances. It was also fabricated by a heightened consciousness of the merits of family inheritance, married to a skillful awareness of an emerging media culture, deployed with an eye on posterity.

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Peers, Juliette. The Lindsay Family (1870–1958). Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, Taylor and Francis,

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