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Teatro de Ulises and Teatro Orientación By Ward, Julie

DOI: 10.4324/9781135000356-REM2030-1
Published: 15/10/2018
Retrieved: 27 July 2024, from


Teatro de Ulises and Teatro Orientación were companies founded in Mexico City in the early twentieth century by members of the modernist/avant-garde literary group Contemporáneos. Celestino Gorostiza (1904–1967), Xavier Villaurrutia (1903–1950), Salvador Novo (1904–1974), and Gilberto Owen (1904–1952) founded the Teatro de Ulises in 1927. The company dissolved in 1928, but in 1932 Gorostiza went on to found the Teatro Orientación, which had two runs (1932–4 and 1938–9). Both companies aimed to bring translations of international modernist and avant-garde plays to the Mexican stage, a goal that earned them criticism from nationalist contemporaries.

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Ward, Julie. Teatro de Ulises and Teatro Orientación. Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, Taylor and Francis,

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