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Suro, Darío (1918–1997) By Estevez, Lisandra

DOI: 10.4324/9781135000356-REM1761-1
Published: 01/10/2017
Retrieved: 27 July 2024, from


One of the Dominican Republic’s foremost modern painters, Darío Suro’s heterodox style of painting encompassed a wide range of styles from the impressionist mood of his early paintings, to the neo-realism of his maturity, and finally to the abstraction of his later works. Like his contemporaries Yoryi Morel and Jaime Colson, Suro was concerned with portraying themes that expressed his Dominican identity and sought to create an authentic language for painting. His early landscapes of horses and rainy scenes such as Lluvia en el Mercado (Rain in the Market, 1942, Museo Bellapart) captured the shifting effects of light on colour in the tropical landscape of the Cibao region where he was raised.

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Estevez, Lisandra. Suro, Darío (1918–1997). Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, Taylor and Francis,

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