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Skrypnyk, Leonid (1893–1929) By Ilnytzkyj, Oleh S.

DOI: 10.4324/9781135000356-REM1629-1
Published: 02/05/2017
Retrieved: 27 July 2024, from


Leonid Skrypnyk was a major Ukrainian futurist prose writer, literary and cultural theoretician, photographer, a close collaborator of Mykhail' Semenko and the Futurist journal Nova generatsiia (New Generation, 1927–1930). He died prematurely from tuberculosis. Skrypnyk came to literature and art with an engineering and aviation background, having also worked in the Ukrainian film industry, bringing a rational, analytical and anti-sentimental attitude to his writings. He published on photography, film, and cultural theory, contributing to the theory of Panfuturism. Skrypnyk's prose legacy is small but important, consisting of a novel, a short story and two fragments from an incomplete novel. His major work—The Intellectual. A Screened Novel in Six parts with a Prologue and Epilogue—was a hybrid, so-called, ‘destructive’ genre combining a screenplay and novel, complemented by ‘authorial’ comments, and printed with visual typographic effects. The Intellectual is a cerebral dissection of ‘bourgeois’ mores as they re-emerged in the post-revolutionary period. In his cultural theory, Skrypnyk took the radical futurist position that most traditional arts were antiquated and should be destroyed or changed through experimentation. Some of his works appeared under the pseudonyms ‘M. Lans'kyi’ and ‘Levon Lain’.

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Ilnytzkyj, Oleh S.. Skrypnyk, Leonid (1893–1929). Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, Taylor and Francis,

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