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Rauschenberg, Robert (1925–2008) By Wallis, Jonathan

DOI: 10.4324/9781135000356-REM1419-1
Published: 02/05/2017
Retrieved: 27 July 2024, from


Robert Rauschenberg (Milton Ernest Rauschenberg) was an American artist who pioneered new approaches to art prototypical of the Pop Art movement and postmodernism. Born October 22, 1925 in Port Arthur, Texas, Rauschenberg attended the Kansas City Art Institute and the Académie Julien in Paris. From 1948–1952, while attending sessions at Black Mountain College in North Carolina, Rauschenberg studied under the Bauhaus painter Josef Albers and the musical composer John Cage, both of whom became important influences. The experimental approaches encouraged at Black Mountain College informed Rauschenberg’s artistic philosophy and broadened his practice to include dance-theatre and performance.

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Wallis, Jonathan. Rauschenberg, Robert (1925–2008). Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, Taylor and Francis,

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