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Newlove, John (1938–2003) By Hall, Molly

DOI: 10.4324/9781135000356-REM1987-1
Published: 15/10/2018
Retrieved: 27 July 2024, from


Born on 13 June 1938 in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, John Newlove was a poet and editor who helped to define Canadian national literature during a key period of its formation. Never formally finishing college, Newlove spent many years travelling around Canada doing various jobs. He taught high school English in 1957 in Manitoba, and was a social worker in Saskatchewan in 1958, but spent most of his career as a copywriter, editor, and announcer on various radio stations. In 1960 he settled in Vancouver, British Columbia for the remainder of the decade, engrossed in self-guided study and publication in chapbooks and literary and poetry magazines.

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Hall, Molly. Newlove, John (1938–2003). Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, Taylor and Francis,

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