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Nawar, Ahmed (1945–) By Dwider, Sarah

DOI: 10.4324/9781135000356-REM490-1
Published: 09/05/2016
Retrieved: 27 July 2024, from


Born in El-Shin in the Gharbia province of Egypt, Ahmed Nawar received his bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Fine Arts at Helwan University in Cairo in 1967. Following his graduation, Nawar was called for service in the Egyptian military and was deployed to the Suez border during the War of Attrition. His experience during the war affected him deeply and would find expression in his later artworks. In 1971, Nawar traveled to Spain and in 1974 received a second degree in graphics from the San Fernando Academy in Madrid, as well as a degree in mural painting and a doctorate equivalent in painting in 1975.

As a painter, sculptor, and graphic printmaker, Nawar’s work focuses on the interplay of linear and organic forms, often integrating mathematical or technological imagery. In the 1980s, Nawar was a key member of the Mihwar (Axis) Group, an artist collective that focused on the relationship between unity and individuality in art. In 1982, Nawar founded the Faculty of Fine Art at Menia University. He served as the faculty’s dean and chair of the graphics department until he was appointed head of the Egyptian Ministry of Culture’s Sector of Fine Arts in 1988. In recognition of his contributions to the arts, Nawar was awarded the State Order of Arts and Sciences, First Class, in 1979.

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Dwider, Sarah. Nawar, Ahmed (1945–). Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, Taylor and Francis,

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