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Migge, Leberecht (1881–1935) By Poppelreuter, Tanja

DOI: 10.4324/9781135000356-REM226-1
Published: 09/05/2016
Retrieved: 27 July 2024, from


Leberecht Migge was a German landscape architect and writer. During his early career he collaborated with architects Hermann Muthesius and Henry van de Velde. Considered pioneers of modernist architecture, van de Velde and Muthesius (among others) were the founding members of the influential Deutscher Werkbund (1907–1934, 1950--), a German association of architects, designers, and industrialists that Migge joined in 1912.

During the 1920s Migge worked on large-scale settlement projects with Bruno Taut and Martin Wagner in Berlin (Onkel Tom’s Hütte [1926–31] and Berlin-Britz aka Hufeisensiedlung [1925–1931]), and with Ernst May in Frankfurt am Main (Römerstadt [1926–1930]). The economic crisis that followed World War I caused a severe housing shortage and in Berlin, as in Frankfurt, large-scale building programs were initiated to improve the living conditions of the working class. Gardens were incorporated into the plans of these new settlements, giving tenants easier access to nutritious foods, protecting them from fluctuating food prices, and providing spaces for physical exercise.

Having collaborated on some of Germany’s most influential settlements of the 1920s, published extensively, and completed a range of recognized projects, Migge was one of the most prolific landscape architects of his time.

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Poppelreuter, Tanja. Migge, Leberecht (1881–1935). Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, Taylor and Francis,

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