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Leffler (Edgren), Anne Charlotte (1849–1892) By Hron, Irina

DOI: 10.4324/9781135000356-REM662-1
Published: 09/05/2016
Retrieved: 27 July 2024, from


Anne Charlotte Leffler was one of the most acclaimed Swedish women writers of the modern breakthrough in late 19th-century Scandinavia. Joining the circle known as Young Sweden, a leading literary movement of the 1880s, she was part of the Ibsen-inspired debate about women’s rights, sexual morality, and the normative bourgeois family structure. During her lifetime, Leffler’s plays were performed more frequently than Strindberg’s, and she was known as a notable salon hostess. After her divorce from Gustaf Edgren in 1889, she married the Italian mathematician Pasquale del Pezzo, duke of Cajanello, and settled in Italy. In 1892 she died of appendicitis at the age of forty-three. In her provocative works, sometimes close to popular fiction, Leffler depicts not only dysfunctional middle-class marriages but also 19th-century notions of love, in particular eroticism. Her major works are translated into several languages, including English, German, Russian, Italian, Croatian and Dutch.

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Hron, Irina. Leffler (Edgren), Anne Charlotte (1849–1892). Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, Taylor and Francis,

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