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Kacimi, Mohamed (1942–2003) By Powers, Jean Holiday

DOI: 10.4324/9781135000356-REM453-1
Published: 09/05/2016
Retrieved: 27 July 2024, from


Mohamed Kacimi was a significant Moroccan modernist artist who rose to prominence in the 1970s. His paintings were semi-abstract, and while a large part of his canvases was often entirely abstracted washes of color, recognizably human figures, created with an economy of lines and lacking individual differentiation, took on increasing importance during his career. Besides being recognized as a painter, Kacimi was known as a writer of both essays and poetry. He began writing in 1972 for various journals and papers in Morocco and throughout the Arab world. With the Moroccan writers’ union and arts association, Kacimi played a role in founding the journal Alischara (Signs). Kacimi exhibited in a number of significant exhibitions, including the first Arab biennale in Baghdad (1974), and his work is held in numerous collections, including the Khalid Shoman Foundation/Darat al Funun (Amman). He also provided illustrations for numerous books in collaboration with writers, including Abdellatif Laabi. After his death, the Moroccan Ministry of Culture opened the Galerie Mohamed el Kacimi in 2005 in Fes, in homage to the significance of Kacimi’s artistic contribution.

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Powers, Jean Holiday. Kacimi, Mohamed (1942–2003). Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, Taylor and Francis,

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