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Juelanshe [决澜社] By Piggott, Belinda

DOI: 10.4324/9781135000356-REM838-1
Published: 09/05/2016
Retrieved: 27 July 2024, from


Juelanshe (The Storm Society), founded in 1931 by Pang Xunqin (庞薰琹, 1906–1985) and Ni Yide (倪贻德, 1901–1970), was a short-lived movement in China informed by Post-Impressionism. The group, based in Shanghai, emerged following drastic changes to the education system implemented by the Qing Dynasty. From 1875, an increasing number of students went abroad for their education, primarily to Japan and Europe. After 1911, this had a significant impact on art practice as Euro-American art became associated with progress and modernity. European modernist movements became influential from the mid-1920s, supported by the rapid expansion of book, newspaper, and journal publishing. Shanghai, as a treaty port, offered an environment of comparative freedom for artists and intellectuals. Pang had studied for four years in Paris and sought to establish a modernist Parisian studio in the French Concession. Influenced by a number of artists, notably Picasso, Matisse, and Leger, he explored various styles, shifting from representational to almost abstract geometric, montage-like compositions. Ni graduated from the Shanghai Art School and studied Western art in Tokyo from 1927–1928. The style of his oil paintings was more consistent, displaying a neo-realistic, post-fauvist style influenced by Cezanne, Derain, and Vlaminck. He was a well-known art theorist and critic who actively engaged in public debate.

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Piggott, Belinda. Juelanshe [决澜社] . Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, Taylor and Francis,

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