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García Pardo, Luis (1910–2006) By Cobas, Martín

DOI: 10.4324/9781135000356-REM1264-1
Published: 01/10/2016
Retrieved: 27 July 2024, from


The Uruguayan architect Luis García Pardo studied architecture in the School of Architecture of the Universidad de la República, where he graduated in 1941. He belonged to a generation of Uruguayan architects that studied in a school permeated by the modern movement, mainly through travels (to Europe, in the context of the Grand Prix), European publications, and professors such as Julio Vilamajó (1894–1948). Together with colleagues Raúl Sichero and Ildefonso Aroztegui he adopted a revised version of the International Style, in works where geometric and formal purity is associated with cutting-edge technical and structural execution and, in the case of García Pardo in particular, the integration of the fine arts and other design areas to the architectural project – notably in the landscape design with Roberto Burle Marx.

His defense of a universal modernity was no impediment for a heterogeneous body of work that included experimentations with newly developed construction systems for social housing and, in his last period, a series of urban proposals characterized by a remarkable formal and organizational freedom.

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Cobas, Martín. García Pardo, Luis (1910–2006). Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, Taylor and Francis,

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