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Film und Fotografie By Long, Jonathan

DOI: 10.4324/9781135000356-REM810-1
Published: 09/05/2016
Retrieved: 27 July 2024, from


FiFo, or Film und Fotografie, is shorthand for the Internationale Ausstellung des deutschen Werkbundes [International Exhibition of the German Werkbund], which opened in Stuttgart in May 1929. It presented an overview of contemporary photography, and is widely acknowledged as one of the most important photographic exhibitions of all time. The Werkbund was an open association—mainly consisting of architects but also involving craftsmen, industrialists, businessmen, publishers, and teachers—that supported training in the applied arts. FiFo was initiated by Gustav Stotz, director of the Württemberg section of the Werkbund, and its selection committee consisted of art historian Hans Hildebrandt, architect Bernhard Pankok, and typographer Jan Tschichold. Prominent photographers and critics were responsible for different sections of the exhibition: László Moholy-Nagy for Germany, Siegfried Giedion for Switzerland, El Lissitzky for the Soviet Union, Edward Steichen and Edward Weston for the United States, and Piet Zwart for the Netherlands. Hans Richter curated the accompanying film program. After the Stuttgart show, the exhibition toured to Berlin and Wrocƚaw (formerly Breslau) and—under the title Das Lichtbild [The Photograph]—to Munich, Essen, and Dessau. In 1930, it was shown, in various guises, in Zurich, Vienna, Gdansk (formerly Danzig), Zagreb, Tokyo and Osaka.

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Long, Jonathan. Film und Fotografie. Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, Taylor and Francis,

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