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Escudero, Vicente (1892–1980) By Bennahum, Ninotchka Devorah

DOI: 10.4324/9781135000356-REM1656-1
Published: 01/10/2017
Retrieved: 27 July 2024, from


Vicente Escudero was a multitalented artist. There is no question that the great bailaor Antonio el de Bilbao, whom he met on a tour of Andalusia and Portugal, had a lasting influence on Escudero, as did the modernist dance-theater of La Argentina, the Ballets Russes, and the visual art revolution. He even became a close friend of the modern master Pablo Picasso. Between 1920 and his debut as a concert dancer in 1927, Escudero honed his craft and his choreography, learning to dance longer works in the cafés cantantes of Madrid. Escudero was particularly known for his famous Farruca solo, and for his performances with Carmita Garcia, who would become his lifelong stage partner. Dancing on a concert stage, Escudero was received by critics like André Levinson, who wrote seriously about his work as a dancer and a choreographer.

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Bennahum, Ninotchka. Escudero, Vicente (1892–1980). Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, Taylor and Francis,

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