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Die Novembergruppe [The November Group] (1918–1934) By Wünsche , Isabel

DOI: 10.4324/9781135000356-REM884-1
Published: 09/05/2016
Retrieved: 27 July 2024, from


Founded in December 1918 in response to the November Revolution in Germany, The November Group was an association of radical and politically engaged artists, including painters, sculptors, and architects. In contrast to similar organizations prior, the group served neither to unite its members in the pursuit or promotion of a particular aesthetic or artistic style nor to pursue the functions of an exhibition society. Instead, its purpose was to unite the creative, forward-looking forces in the fields of art and architecture in order to increase influence in the shaping of contemporary political and cultural life and reconstruction of the German society after World War I. The November Group was characterized by the mutual collaboration of its members as well as its professed openness to a wide range of artistic ideas and stylistic methods of expression—a programmatic pluralism, sometimes referred to as Cubofuto-expressionism—which provided the group with the means for integration and adaptation throughout its existence. The group’s founding manifesto explicitly called on Expressionists, Cubists, and Futurists, but the group also included Dadaists, Constructivists, and later representatives of New Objectivity. In 1921 sections for literature and music were added, leading the November Group, in the 1920s, to become one of the most important forums for new music and experimental film. The group published six issues of its journal Der Kunsttopf [The Art Pot] in 1920; a planned publication series conceived by Raoul Hausmann and Hans Siebert von Heister resulted in only one edition in 1921. The association only held a small number of its own group exhibitions, one in 1919 and one in 1921, both at the Kunstantiquariat Fraenkel & Co in Berlin.

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Wünsche, Isabel. Die Novembergruppe [The November Group] (1918–1934). Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, Taylor and Francis,

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