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Cuéllar Serrano Gómez (1933–1982) By Ulloa, Miguel

DOI: 10.4324/9781135000356-REM219-1
Published: 09/05/2016
Retrieved: 27 July 2024, from


Cuéllar Serrano Gómez (CSG) is a Colombian architectural, engineering, and construction firm, which was founded in 1933 in Bogotá by the engineer José Gómez Pinzón, the engineer-architect Gabriel Serrano Camargo, and the architect Camilo Cuéllar Tamayo. Pinzon trained at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, and Cuéllar at the London Architectural Association. In the 1940s the architect Gabriel Largacha Manrique (who had also trained at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia) joined the staff. CSG played a leading role in the modernization of Bogotá—the Colombian capital—and of the country in general. The firm’s extensive work includes projects carried out all over the country, which are as much architectural as engineering in scope. It led the way in introducing technological developments in local construction, either by importing modern technology, or by implementing new technologies tinged with local design, so that by the mid-20th century CSG was known as one of the most cutting-edge firms in Latin America.

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Ulloa, Miguel. Cuéllar Serrano Gómez (1933–1982). Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, Taylor and Francis,

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